Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Swedish Mauser M 94 Carbine, Vintage Photos of the Swedish Military Carrying the Mauser Model 1894 Carbine

In the course of my continuing research into the Swedish M94 Carbines and the Swedish military uniforms and equipment associated with them, I ran across these great photos.  They are of various Swedish Navy, Army and House Guard soldiers and sailors carrying the Mauser M94 Carbines.  You will notice that the Navy sailors have the long Navy Sword Bayonets attached......  The last 2 photos are fairly recent pictures of the 1st Kavalry Regiment, Mounted Swedish Royal House Guards.  Notice the Carbine M94 worn on the back, with the barrel and action on the bottom side (upside down), and the bayonet and scabbard carried diagonally across the front of the belt.

Swedish Navy 1935
Swedish Navy 1939
Swedish Army, most likely WW2 era.
Swedish Royal Cavalry.

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