Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Swedish Army Shovel / Spade, Post-War Version , WW2 1942 -1945, Model 1942 Sweden, Fältspade

Continuing on from yesterday's post, here is the Post-War version of the Model 1942 Swedish Shovel.

After WW2, Sweden continued to issue out the WW2 shovels, with one modification.  They were painted "post-war green".  I believe that this re-painting occurred sometime in the late 1950's, about the time that the new Model 1958 folding shovels were manufactured and issued.  It is likely that the old WW2 Model 1942 shovels were placed into storage at that time, or issued to reserve troops.  The fact that this particular shovel appears to have never been used after painting, would tend to confirm that observation.

You can read about the WW2, Model 1942 version in my blog post here:

You can read about the Post-War, folding, Model 1958 shovels here:

There is not much more to be said about these green shovels, that hasn't been covered in my previous post, so let's just jump to the photo album.

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