I have continued to research the Swedish zeltbahns that I have, and I have finally found an actual photograph of them in use and a narrative and reference to them by someone who actually used them while serving in the Swedish Army!
The complete narrative can be found at this Swedish blog: (note: it is written in Swedish, so you can cut and paste it into Google Translator if you don't read Swedish!).
It seems that that this gentleman was in the Swedish Army back in August of 1974, and took part in a 350 man "expedition" into the mountains by bicycle and on foot, with full military gear.
Here are a few of the pictures from the narrative:

The search for more documentation continues......................
Good luck on ALL of your adventures up there in Alaska! You are definitely on the right track. Keep checking back to my blog and look through the past archive pages. You will find that I have pages on many of the "old school" camping and military gear items and I'll keep posting more as I go along.
Thanks for the post. have been looking the World Wide Web for this information and I want to thank you for this post. Thanks for sharing blog...
This has been one of the toughest military items that I have researched EVER! It is amazing that there is almost nothing published on or off the web about these zelts. It was a long process of sifting out little bits of info from sources, many in Swedish, from all over. It finally came together nicely in the end though....... I'm glad it helped you!
I did my military service (in Sweden) in the late 90's. We were issued these type of "knäppetält", zeltbahn but most soldiers got the newer version in plastic material and all green witch is also larger. We later got the newer version as well but kept using the cotton ones because they looked better.
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