A little more hunting through Google gave me enough .jpeg images to doctor up a set of genuine counterfeit labels of my own! I printed the labels with a high quality print setting on regular white office paper, covered the print with a clear laminating sheet, affixed double sticky tape on the back and then cut them out. For my first prototype, I used an empty mink oil tin (cream oil for leather boots) that I had cleaned out and painted black. A small, round mint tin would make a more correct replica..............
I"ll use it to carry small items in the bread bag on the rear rack of the BGS bike. The tin is not correct, but the effect is still pretty good!
There are a number of different period labels for Scho-Ka-Kola that I could have chosen from, but I felt that having a label that fit the early post-war period would be best (translation: label without swastika!). Here are a few WW2 period labels.

1 comment:
I've been enjoying this Schokakola for years now. It might be considered an "acquired taste" by some, but I liked it since taste #1. It IS very strong, and tastes like the name sort of sounds - dark chocolate & coffee, but don't think it will taste like something from Starbucks! It's an authentic German flavour that we all can enjoy.
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