
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Zoll Photos, Post-War 1940's to 1980, Wenland Archive

For today's posting, I'll be revisiting the Wenland Archive of photos to show off a batch of very unique German Zoll (BundeszollverwaltungFederal Customs Police) photos.  The photos show some very seldom seen shots of uniforms from the early post-war years, and some very rare early color photos.

These officers were assigned to areas directly on the border.  They lived and worked in their assigned area, very much like a US Resident Deputy Sheriff would.  They manned the border crossings and patrolled the immediate border, often with their iconic Zoll Dogs.  They were Germany's "eyes and ears on the border".

Here is a link over to the Wenland Archive website:

One of the photos shows a Zoll officer leaning against a bicycle.  The photo is dated 1959.  The photo description says that the officer is saying goodbye to family before returning to the border.  The interesting thing about this bicycle, is that it is nearly identical to my early BGS bicycle.  The most distinct similarity is the rear rack...... identical to mine!  My BGS bicycle has 1949 dated hubs and a 1960 saddle......this Zoll photo is dated 1959...... I don't know if the bicycle in the photo is a private bicycle or a service bicycle, but it certainly confirms that my BGS bike fits that early post-war service time frame!  I suspect that the bicycle in the photos is a Zoll Dienstrad, (Customs Service Bicycle).

Here are a couple of comparison photos of my BGS bicycle.......the green color of my bicycle would also be correct for Police or Zoll.

I'll let the photos speak for themselves........ enjoy:


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