
Sunday, August 21, 2011

Uptown Street Fair ......Yard Sale Treasures and Bikes, Bikes, Bikes!!!

Yesterday, Saturday, was the annual Port Townsend Street Fair.......... Sweet Pea had her booth set up to sell at the arts and crafts show portion, while the farmer's market was the next street over and the connector street was blocked off for the community celebration portion.  Tons of fun, low key, small town feel, and SUNSHINE!!!!  This is one of those rare celebrations that is all about community and not just a tourist draw.  As usual, it was pulled off in real PT style!  Live music, food, fun-free stuff for the kids and adults alike, even a small and quirky PT Parade.  

While Sweet Pea finished setting up her displays, I went over to the ReCyclery, on the farmer's market street, for a fund raising yard sale they were hosting.  They always have great stuff donated and this one was full of treasures!

I'm glad I made it over to the yard sale early!  I came back to Sweet Pea's booth with a full arm load of treasures!  Here's the run down of the "haul":

1946 Primus 527 Boat Stove
1952 Czechoslovakian Bread Bag

Vintage Kershaw "Blade-Trade" knife by Kai

Vintage Ice Crampons

I also picked up a desert camo head scarf, and a USFS map of the Dosewallips area of the Hood Canal.

I'll cover the Primus 527 stove and Czechoslovakian bread bag in their own posts in the next week, but for now, here are some highlight pictures of the treasures:

Primus 527 Stove

Czechoslovakian Bread Bag


Kershaw Blade-Trade Knife

I had the chance to wander around a bit throughout the day and while taking in the festivities, I spotted these two amazing cycles from the 1880's...........

A bone shaker:

An 1889 Coventry Rotary Cycle:

Here's a mix of bikes that were parked around the fair while their riders enjoyed the festivities:

And here's a great car that was in the parade....... parked in front of Aldrich's Market:

Until next year................ until then, here's a few parting views of the fair!

1 comment:

  1. It is great blog.. This is an excellent blog for bikes. There are not too many around like this. Thanks for making this such an interesting subject.Bikes Sale
