
Monday, December 20, 2010

USCG Aircrew Survival Knife

Since I've been going through all of my "military collectables", I figured I ought to slip in a few items here and there that I carried while serving with the U.S. Coast Guard.

Up for your review is the
Aircrew Survival Knife that I was issued in 1986, at USCG Air Station Borinquen, Puerto Rico. I carried this knife in the right lower leg pocket of my flight suit. This knife was with me on every flight I took!

I flew as a Flight Mechanic on HH65A , AĆ©rospatiale
, Dolphin Helicopters. I was the guy who did all of the rescue hoisting, radio communications, refueling, pre and post flight inspections, repairs and maintenance........ in other words, everything except fly the helicopter.......... and actually I sometimes got some stick time in the copilot's seat on training missions, so I guess I actually did a bit of everything on the HH65A's!

The patch at the top of the post is the "old style" Air Station Borinquen patch that we wore on the shoulder of our flight suits.

A here is my trusty old flight knife:

1 comment:

  1. i carried Swiss Army knife put it in my camera bag. bottle opener!
