
Monday, December 6, 2010

GT IDXC Bike is up and ready for commuting!

After setting up the new Reba Race fork on the GT bike, I decided that it was time to dust the bike off and give it a shake-down as my alternate commuter bike this week. I transferred over my fenders and gave the bike a good cleaning and adjustment........................ What a joy to ride now with the new fork and taller stem! The lock-out works wonderfully!

To commemorate the occasion, here are some sh
ots of the "new-old" bike:

1 comment:

  1. Hi
    I've sent you an email but in case it gets caught by spam filters, here it goes:
    Seen your gt and I'm looking for one of those rear fenders, the lower one that protects also front derraileur. What's the make? Can I get it on ebay or so? thanks in advance for your help. cheers. Alex (
