
Sunday, May 26, 2019

Polizei Dienstfahrrad, Picnic Set-Up with Wicker Wine Carrier, Bundesgrenzschutz Bread Bag and Zeltbahn, Bundeswehr Coconut Canteen, THW Pouch and Swiss Mess Kit, Oldtimer Fahrrad, Trupenfahrrad

We have been blessed with some amazing Late-Spring, Early-Summer weather here in the beautiful Pacific Northwest lately, and that got me thinking about packing a picnic and heading out to the countryside for a little adventure.  

With that inspiration in mind, I decided to load out the Polizei Dienstfahrrad for a little "off duty" excursion.  By the time I got done playing around with equipment, it was too late to hit the road, but not too late for a few photos.  

I recently picked up a vintage, wicker wine carrier at a local yard sale with the plan to do a little conversion on it for the bicycle.  

I removed a carrying strap, added a closure strap and buckle, added a vintage identification plate, and oiled up the leather.  As you can see, the carrier has that "official" look, and doubles as a great carrier for a bottle of wine, beer, or even a few picnic supplies.  I am always amazed at how the addition of an old identification plate, really gives an unofficial item, that "official" look!

I strapped one of my Bundesgrenzschutz zeltbahns on the back rack, topped with a Swiss Army mess kit.

On the other side, I hung a Bundesgrenzschutz bread bag and a restored, Bundeswehr coconut canteen. 

I hung an old Bundeswehr - THW document pouch from the top tube.  The pouch was used by a THW Jugend unit as a document holder in their Ford Transit vehicle.

Overall the whole set-up looks quite nice.  I'll play around with some other bits of equipment, but for now I think it looks quite sharp!  Obviously I was not going for a "period correct" set-up, but this does show that you can get that "vintage, authentic look" with quite an assortment of odd gear.  Don't be afraid to have some fun with all this old stuff!

I hope everyone gets out there to enjoy a little sunshine.  And while you're at it, why not drag along some vintage gear for an "old-school" camp out, or picnic!

As usual, here's an album.  Enjoy!